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One of the most significant initiation by Satgurunathar is imparting the splendour of Meditation. Known as ‘Maharishi Dhyana’ this meditation technique was devised by Satgurunathar to convey the essence of meditation that taught one to experience the Divinity within and without oneself

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Satgurunathar’s service encompasses the entire world in many forms. He is very much concerned about every living entity in this world; from humans to animals and nature.

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- John Doe

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Satgurunathar is well known for His in-depth and vast knowledge on all the Hindu scriptures. He is well-versed in Bhagavat Gita, Upanishad, Upa purana, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Ithikayas.

About Sepakat

Sepakat is a small international development organisation with a strong focus on peoples – empowering comunity to create positive change in their own lives, in their children’s lives, and in their communities. In addition, our organization is always helping the welfare of the community, children and the disabled people.

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