

SEPAKAT is the International organization’s presence in the Malaysia


We bring hope and opportunity to vulnerable children and communities


We’re a community of change makers – generous Malaysia donors, community members, staff and valued partners who mobilise to make a real and lasting difference in lives around the world. Together, we tackle the root causes of poverty and transform lives through development, relief and advocacy work.

We’re part of a global movement - a charity organisation that provides short and long-term assistance to more than 100 million people worldwide. Over the past 50 years, more than two million Malaysia have chosen to partner with us when giving to charity. The support of generous Malaysians helps make our work possible. 

Our motivation

World Vision is committed to the poor because we are human. We work with people of all cultures, faiths and genders to achieve transformation. 

We enact this through: 
  • Relief and development: implementing best practice programs overseas and in Malaysia to save lives and build sustainable communities.
  • Policy change: advocating to change government and institutional policies in Malaysia and internationally to benefit people in need.  
  • Synergy and effectiveness: striving to be a collaborative, efficient and effective organisation that we are proud of and others speak highly of.  
  • Engaging Australia: continuing to educate Malaysians about the causes of poverty and encouraging involvement in alleviating poverty and its causes. 
  • Increasing our stakeholders’ understanding of the people message of personal growth, social justice and the development of our spiritual lives in relevant ways.The values of WVA are at the core of all that we, as an organisation, do. Our commitment to applying the values to the way we work makes us unique amongst other, similar, aid and development INGOs. 

We're dedicated to investing in sustainable change – the kind that can last for generations.


We walk alongside vulnerable communities as they lead their own development to alleviate poverty, build resilience and tackle injustice. We equip communities to build on their successes and, when they're ready, independently continue the life-changing work we've started together.

We work to address child poverty in many areas of need including health, education, clean water, livelihoods and child protection. Experience shows our holistic approach really works, lifting vulnerable children and families out of poverty and giving them hope for a brighter future.

We undertake development and humanitarian activities. We do not undertake non-development activities (welfare, religious or partisan political activities) or support partners to undertake non-development activities.

We Value People

We regard all people as created and loved by God.  We give priority to people before money, structure, systems and other institutional machinery. 

We act in ways that respect the dignity, uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every person -- the poor, the donors, our staff and their families, boards and voluteers We celebrate the richness of diversity in human personality, culture and contribution.

We practice a participative, open, enabling style in working relationships.  We encourage the professional, personal and spiritual development of our staff.



About Sepakat

Sepakat is a small international development organisation with a strong focus on peoples – empowering comunity to create positive change in their own lives, in their children’s lives, and in their communities. In addition, our organization is always helping the welfare of the community, children and the disabled people.

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